[ananke.social] icon_path = "ananke/socials/%s.svg" [ananke.social.follow] new_window_icon = false # show a little "opens in new window" icon next to the link networks = [ "facebook", "bluesky", "linkedin" ] [ananke.social.share] icons = true sharetext = true networks = [ "email", "facebook", "bluesky", "linkedin" ] # social media network setups [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "bluesky" label = "Bluesky" profile = "https://bsky.app/profile/%s" icon = "bluesky" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://bsky.app/intent/compose" [ananke.social.networks.particles] text = "permalink" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "email" label = "Email" profile = false icon = "envelope" # font awesome free icon name link = "mailto:" [ananke.social.networks.particles] body = "permalink" subject = "title" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "facebook" label = "Facebook" color = "#3b5998" profile = "https://www.facebook.com/%s" icon = "facebook" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php" [ananke.social.networks.particles] u = "permalink" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "hackernews" label = "Hacker News" profile = "https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=%s" icon = "hacker-news" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://news.ycombinator.com/submitlink" [ananke.social.networks.particles] u = "permalink" t = "description" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "linkedin" label = "LinkedIn" color = "#0077b5" profile = "http://linkedin.com/in/%s" icon = "linkedin" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle" [ananke.social.networks.particles] url = "permalink" title = "title" summary = "description" source = "permalink" params = "mini=true" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "pinterest" label = "Pinterest" profile = "https://www.pinterest.com/%s/" icon = "pinterest" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/" [ananke.social.networks.particles] url = "permalink" media = "permalink" description = "description" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "reddit" label = "Reddit" profile = "https://www.reddit.com/user/%s/" icon = "reddit" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://reddit.com/submit/" [ananke.social.networks.particles] url = "permalink" title = "title" params = "resubmit=true" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "telegram" label = "Telegram" profile = "https://t.me/%s" icon = "telegram" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://telegram.me/share/url" [ananke.social.networks.particles] text = "description" url = "permalink" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "tumblr" label = "Tumblr" profile = "https://www.tumblr.com/blog/%s" icon = "tumblr" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://www.tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool" [ananke.social.networks.particles] canonicalUrl = "permalink" shareSource = "source" title = "title" caption = "description" content = "description" params = "posttype=link" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "twitter" label = "Twitter" color = "#1da1f2" profile = "https://twitter.com/%s" icon = "twitter" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet/" [ananke.social.networks.particles] text = "description" url = "permalink" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "whatsapp" label = "WhatsApp" profile = false icon = "whatsapp" # font awesome brand icon name link = "whatsapp://send" linkintext = true [ananke.social.networks.particles] text = "description" [[ananke.social.networks]] slug = "xing" label = "Xing" profile = "https://www.xing.com/profile/%s" icon = "xing" # font awesome brand icon name link = "https://www.xing.com/app/user" separator = ";" [ananke.social.networks.particles] url = "permalink" title = "title" params = "op=share" # @TODO add more networks # instagram: # label = "Instagram" # color = "#e1306c" # youtube: # label = "YouTube" # color = "#cd201f" # github: # label = "GitHub" # color = "#6cc644" # gitlab: # label = "GitLab" # color = "#FC6D26" # keybase: # label = "Keybase" # color = "#3d76ff" # medium: # label = "Medium" # color = "#0077b5" # mastodon: # label = "Mastodon" # color = "#6364FF" # slack: # label = "Slack" # color = "#E01E5A" # stackoverflow: # label = "Stack Overflow" # color = "#f48024" # rss: # label = "RSS" # color = "#ff6f1a" # tiktok: # label = "TikTok" # color = "#fe2c55"