{{/* GetBuiltInServicesData Returns a map whose keys stores the map of defaults data for any built-in service. We use a key to easily grab the data with `index $that github` @author @regisphilibert @context Any (.) @access public @returns Map ## Contributors can add a built-in service 1. Adding it to the following map with the following format: ```yaml # [...] shinyandnew: label: Shiny And New color: '#cccccc' ``` 2. Edit README file with new service https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke/tree/422-improve-socials#built-in-services */}} {{ return (` facebook: share: true label: Facebook color: '#3b5998' twitter: share: true label: Twitter color: '#1da1f2' instagram: label: Instagram color: '#e1306c' youtube: label: YouTube color: '#cd201f' github: label: GitHub color: '#6cc644' gitlab: label: GitLab color: '#FC6D26' keybase: label: Keybase color: '#3d76ff' linkedin: share: true label: LinkedIn color: '#0077b5' medium: label: Medium color: '#0077b5' mastodon: label: Mastodon color: '#3088d4' slack: label: Slack color: '#E01E5A' stackoverflow: label: Stack Overflow color: '#f48024' rss: label: RSS color: '#ff6f1a' tiktok: label: TikTok color: '#fe2c55' ` | transform.Unmarshal) }}