{{ partial "func/warn" `You are currently using 'partial "summary-with-image"' in your project templates. You should replace it with '.Render "summary-with-image"' as the use of this partial will be deprecated in future releases. More info here: https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke/releases/tag/v2.8.1` }} {{ $featured_image := partial "func/GetFeaturedImage.html" . }}
{{ if $featured_image }} {{/* Trimming the slash and adding absURL make sure the image works no matter where our site lives */}} {{ $featured_image := (trim $featured_image "/") | absURL }} {{ end }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ $.Param "read_more_copy" | default (i18n "readMore") }} {{/* TODO: add author

By {{ .Author }}
