Previously the default date format (`January 2, 2006` ) was used for blog and single page date visualizations. The new parameter `date_format` can be used to override this format. This allows the visualization of localized dates or a changed precision (down to the minute or up to the month or year of publication). Co-authored-by: Regis Philibert <login@regisphilibert.com>
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# Ananke, A theme for [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/), a framework for building websites.
The intent of this theme is to provide a solid starting place for Hugo sites with basic features and include best practices for performance, accessibility, and rapid development.
- Responsive
- Accessible
- Contact form
- Custom Robots.txt (changes values based on environment)
- Internal templates for meta data, google analytics, and DISQUS or COMMENTO comments
- RSS Discovery
- Table of Contents (must declare `toc: true` in post parameter)
- Stackbit configuration ([Stackbit](https://www.stackbit.com))
Also includes examples of Hugo Features or Functions:
- Pagination (internal template)
- Taxonomies
- Archetypes
- Custom shortcode
- Related content
- Hugo built-in menu
- i18n
- `with`
- `first`
- `after`
- `sort`
- Site LanguageCode
- `where`
- Content Views
- Partials
- Template layouts (type "post" uses a special list template, single template, and a content view)
- Tags
- `len`
- Conditionals
- `ge` (greater than or equal to)
- `.Site.Params.mainSections` to avoid hard-coding "blog," etc. [[release note](https://github.com/spf13/hugo/blob/66ec6305f6cb450ddf9c489854146bac02f7dca1/docs/content/meta/release-notes.md#enhancements)]
This theme uses the "Tachyons" CSS library. This will allow you to manipulate the design of the theme by changing class names in HTML without touching the original CSS files. For more information see the [Tachyons website](http://tachyons.io/).
## Installation
### As a Hugo Module (recommended)
> ⚠️ If you installed a [Hugo binary](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/#binary-cross-platform), you may not have Go installed on your machine. To check if Go is installed:
> ```
> $ go version
> ```
> Go modules were considered production ready in v1.14. [Download Go](https://golang.org/dl/).
1. From your project's root directory, initiate the hugo module system if you haven't already:
$ hugo mod init github.com/<your_user>/<your_project>
2. Add the theme's repo to your `config.toml`:
theme = ["github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke"]
### As Git Submodule
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
$ git submodule add https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke.git themes/ananke
For more information read the official [setup guide](//gohugo.io/overview/installing/) of Hugo.
## Getting started
After installing the theme successfully it requires a just a few more steps to get your site running.
### The config file
Take a look inside the [`exampleSite`](https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke/tree/master/exampleSite) folder of this theme. You'll find a file called [`config.toml`](https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml). To use it, copy the [`config.toml`](https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml) in the root folder of your Hugo site. Feel free to change the strings in this theme.
You may need to delete the line: `themesDir = "../.."`
### Add comments
To enable comments, add following to your config file:
- DISQUS: `disqusShortname = YOURSHORTNAME`
commentoEnable = true
### Change the hero background
For any page or post you can add a featured image by including the local path in front matter (see content in the `exampleSite/content/_readme.md` file for examples): `featured_image: '/images/gohugo-default-sample-hero-image.jpg'`
If you would like to hide the header text on the featured image on a page, set `omit_header_text` to `true`. See `exampleSite/content/contact.md` for an example.
You don't need an image though. The default background color is black, but you can change the color, by changing the default color class in the config.toml file. Choose a background color from any on the [Tachyons](http://tachyons.io/docs/themes/skins/) library site, and preface it with "bg-"
example: `background_color_class = "bg-blue"` or `background_color_class = "bg-gray"`
### Activate the contact form
This theme includes a shortcode for a contact form that you can add to any page (there is an example on the contact page in the exampleSite folder). One option is to use [formspree.io](//formspree.io/) as proxy to send the actual email. Each month, visitors can send you up to one thousand emails without incurring extra charges. Visit the Formspree site to get the "action" link and add it to your shortcode like this:
{{< form-contact action="https://formspree.io/your@email.com" >}}
### Update font or body classes
The theme is set, by default, to use a near-white background color and the "Avenir" or serif typeface. You can change these in your config file with the `body_classes` parameter, like this:
body_classes = "avenir bg-near-white"
which will give you a body class like this:
<body class="avenir bg-near-white">
note: The `body_classes` parameter will not change the font used in post content. To do this, you must use the `post_content_classes` parameter.
You can find a list of available typefaces [here](https://github.com/tachyons-css/tachyons/blob/v4.7.0/src/_font-family.css).
And a list of background colors [here](https://github.com/tachyons-css/tachyons/blob/v4.7.0/src/_skins.css#L96).
_n.b. in future versions we will likely separate the typeface and other body classes._
### CSS
Ananke stylesheet is built with Hugo Pipes's [Asset Bundling](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/bundling/#readout) alone to maximize compatibiliy. The theme simply bundles its several files into one minified and fingerprinted (in production) CSS file.
Ananke uses [Tachyon.io](http://tachyons.io/) utility class library.
#### Custom CSS
In order to complement the default CSS with your own, you can add custom css files to the project.
1. Just add a `assets/ananke/css` directory to your project and add the file(s) in it.
2. Register the files using the `custom_css` key in your site's parameter. The path referenced in the parameter should be relative to the `assets/ananke/css` folder.
The css files will be added in their registered order to final `main.css` file.
For example, if your css files are `assets/ananke/css/custom.css` and `assets/ananke/special.css` then add the following to the config file:
custom_css = ["custom.css","special.css"]
__Note on retrocompatibiliy for custom css__: If the files registered through the `custom_css` setting are not found in `assets/ananke/css` the theme will expect them to live at the given path relative to the static directory and load them as <link> requests.
### Show Reading Time and Word Count
If you add a key of `show_reading_time` true to either the Config Params, a page or section's front matter, articles will show the reading time and word count.
### Adding Scripts to the Page Head
Some scripts need to be added within the page head. To add your own scripts to the page head, simply insert them into the `head-additions.html` partial located in the `layouts/partials` folder.
### Logo
You can replace the title of your site in the top left corner of each page with your own logo. To do that put your own logo into the `static` directory of your website, and add the `site_logo` parameter to the site params in your config file. For example:
site_logo = "img/logo.svg"
### Localize date format
Dates of blog posts and single pages are rendered with the default date format commonly used in the USA and Canada. It is possible to specify a different format.
date_format = "2. January 2006"
See hugo's documentation of the [`dateFormat` function](https://gohugo.io/functions/dateformat/) for more details.
### Nearly finished
In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server.
`$ hugo server`
Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313/) in the address bar of your browser.
## Production
To run in production (e.g. to have Google Analytics show up), run `HUGO_ENV=production` before your build command. For example:
HUGO_ENV=production hugo
Note: The above command will not work on Windows. If you are running a Windows OS, use the below command:
set HUGO_ENV=production
## Contributing
If you find a bug or have an idea for a feature, feel free to use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke/issues) to let me know.
- fix hard-coded link to [section](https://github.com/theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke/blob/master/layouts/index.html#L32)